《CTI JOBS IN PUNJAB 2018 - 2019》
Higher Education Department Punjab Directed To All Divisional Directors Of Education For Filling Up Of Vacant Teaching Posts Hiring Of College Teaching Interns (CTI,s)
《CTI Jobs Detail/Criteria》
● Taleem=
Master Degree 2nd Division In Relevant Subject
● Stipend=
Rs.30,000 Per Month
● Duration: 1 year
● Age = No Age Limit
● Colleges Will Display Available Vacant Posts Subject Wise very soon.
● Date of Interview: (announced by concern colleges Principals)
● Merit List Will Be Placed On HED Website & College Notice Board.
● Previous year Merit FOrmula is Given below.
Higher Education Department Punjab Directed To All Divisional Directors Of Education For Filling Up Of Vacant Teaching Posts Hiring Of College Teaching Interns (CTI,s)
《CTI Jobs Detail/Criteria》
● Taleem=
Master Degree 2nd Division In Relevant Subject
● Stipend=
Rs.30,000 Per Month
● Duration: 1 year
● Age = No Age Limit
● Colleges Will Display Available Vacant Posts Subject Wise very soon.
● Date of Interview: (announced by concern colleges Principals)
● Merit List Will Be Placed On HED Website & College Notice Board.
● Previous year Merit FOrmula is Given below.
Government of Punjab has been pleased to constitute the following committee for hiring of CTIs for next academic year against vacant posts and filling up the vacant posts of lecturer (Male/Female) in the Punjab on regular basis.
This committee shall present following agenda and submit its recommendations.
Identify the college wise recruitment of CTIs.
Identify the subjects where regular lecturer Male and Female are required and purpose conversion of redundant subjects.
The schedule of committee at the divisional headquarter date 20-06-2018 9:00 A.M.
Government of Punjab CTI,s Jobs 2018 policy CTI,s jobs add will be published in all newspapers July 2018. You are requested to Read complete policy for all things understanding and be ready and aware to read newspaper on daily basis and Visit our Facebook Page PPSC,NTS,CSS,PTS,JOBS PORTAL,BY,MUNEER HAYAT. on regular basis for Latest Jobs add CTIs, NTS, Educators, PPSC Headmaster and CTIs jobs in Pakistan.
Complete Information and guidelines about CTI’s College Jobs
No of vacancies announced = wait for ad
Status = on Regular based
Duration of Job = 12 (Twelve Months) Should be Permanent
Age Limit = No Age Limit
Pay of Job = 30, 000 (Thirty thousand rupees per Month)
Qualification in job = MA ( 2nd Division )or MSc ( 2nd Division )
Subjects =ADD will be publish soon .
List of vacancies available soon on HED website and in colleges Notice board.
Merit List = Merit list will be available on HEC website and in all colleges.
Period of job: wait for add
Subjects: CTI’s will be introduced against English, Pak studies, Islamiat, Urdu, statistics Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science , Biology both(Botany or Zoology)and Maths etc.
Address of job: to Nearest Colleges for Boys or Girls.
CTIs Information:
College Teaching Internee
Govt has decided to fill all vacant post in all colleges in Punjab with CTIs internee on regular basis,Time period should be extended or PPSC announced Lecturer jobs.
All Government Colleges boys and girls will Show list of CTI jobs vacancies and Number of vacancies against directly related Subjects on Notice Board in all colleges. you have to visit Nearest boys or girls Colleges. you can get all Info. from college Notice Board.
How to apply for CTI:
You have to apply in related Colleges and also you can apply more than one Colleges . Interview will be held on same date So you have to manage your whole plan. Submit your Detailed CV with Complete Documents on given date. You must bring your Original documents and yours CV on the time of Interview.All Interview will be held in related Colleges where you apply. Your Interview Marks will be included in your Selection process.That time your percentage will counted and specific merit will be followed by this criteria. For High education like MS or Mphill will be awarded 3 three marks and for PhD candidate 5 marks will be given. Another thing here u must now position of university and Board will bi considered in your selection merit.
for First position = 5 marks
for secind position = 3 marks
For third 3rd position = 2 marks.
For GPA Conversion into %, HEC formula will use for GPA converting into Percentage.
For Interview Marks = 5 Marks
Some Basic Question and Answer:
1st: Can BS hons can apply for this post?
Answer: Yes you Can apply for cit job you have to consult with Nearest College for all details about your subject detail. They can held you to guide in which Subject you can Apply
2nd: Is Percentage and Division Counted?
Answer :Yes counted this time.
3: Is Interview Marks will be included or NOT?
Answer: Yes five interview marks will be included.
4: Main Question from your side Result awaiting candidate Can apply ?
Answer: Result awaiting candidate Cannot apply.
5: Are M.Com MBA candidate can apply?
Answer: Yes candidate visit nearest commerce college for detail, if seat is vacant.
6: we apply in other District in our domicile.
Answer: Yes you can apply in all distric
7: For Selection Which degree is important for merit.
Answer: 16 year Masters Degree MSc/ BS Hons. maximum 55/100 marks.
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